Sunday, May 6, 2012

Inglorious Bastards.

You'll be surprised, but all I have to say is....instant classic. Amazing. You almost have to adjust yourself just to watch this movie. Riveting to be honest. The entire movie keeps you wondering what's going to happen, appreciating the talent, and enjoyed the whole thing. Pissed, annoyed, happy, sad, and completely sucked into this movie.

Instant Classic

Inglourious Basterds (Single-Disc Edition)

Tim Burton should've stopped after his batman

 On the other hand. I just about peed my pants watching this:


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hangover got what it deserves

I don't really remember all the names of the awards they give out or even know the difference between all the red carpet runway shows, but The Hangover getting recognized as the top comedy of the year=perfect and well deserved.

This is a great movie. Hilarious, and not in a Will Ferrell kind of way.

This movie is an instant must have. Don't think about it, just buy it. I bet you have to watch it twice the first time you see it. Honest.
The Hangover (R-Rated Single-Disc Edition)

Buy it. Don't rent, just buy.

Damn'it Miley

So I'm a bit of the rough and rugged type but then miley cyrus puts something out and I feel like a huge pussy. Yeah, I'm not going to say that her new movie is going to be good, but it has potential to be a bit of a heart warmer. Good for the ladies and very sensitive types you could say.

It's not going to be out for awhile, but even so, this gives you a heads up. It has been made into a book. Just kidding, haha. Sounds like the book is way better than the movie (often the case).

Worth The Theatre?
This will not be worth going to the theatre for so just forget about that.

When to Watch?
If you're a girl it's gonna be best to watch this with all your friends or with your established boyfriend/girlfriend. Do not watch with a new guy this will create a ton of awkwardness even if he likes it. Go For Transformers, it has an good little love story and he'll think you're cool as hell.

If you're a guy, 'The Last Song' is strictly for a random movie night with your girlfriend only. Do not buy, rent.

You should buy transformers though. It's a go to, should be on your shelf now.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Forgotten Favorite

This one made me laugh. Haven't seen this since I was a little kid. Funny how much you remember. Check it out though. It's called the Heavenly Kid.

The Heavenly Kid

It's up to you. Some will want this in your collection right away, others are probably going to wonder why I even mentioned it. But to be honest, I accidently bought it one day, so that's why it's sits on mine. Could've lived without but I like it and it's gonna stick around. I say buy it, watch it and regift if you don't like it. Fuck'em if they don't want an already opened DVD.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Already out

As far as 2008 went there was some pretty good and some pretty worthless movies. This one stands at the top. Gran Torino is slow and full of life lessons, which isn't your typical movie that you add to your set, but it was incredible. Great story line and acting as well as incredibly well done. There are points where you really want to kick the shit out of some people, some parts where you laugh your ass off even though you feel bad about doing so, and your are left mystified by the end.

I say, rent it, not buy it, then decide.

Friday, January 15, 2010


This is just the first post. Soon you'll be able to come back here regularly for movie updates. What's coming, what's here, what you've forgotten and what you must have on your shelves at home.

We'll go through ways to get movies cheap. Which ones you should wait to rent, which need you at the premier and which you need to boycott because they are going to suck.

Until next time. Peace